Rally Qld 2009 – Reccy

It was wet and overcast conditions that greeted us as we headed off to reccy the stages this morning for Rally Queensland

First up we checked one my favorites stages called Kandanga Long, this has been a favorite for many years, lots of good spots including a great Railway crossing. Parts of this stage were very slippery and slushy from the recent rains, but we managed to get thru.

We then moved into the middle stages, the first couple were very slippery from the rain, couple of interesting moments with the car sliding over the road.

On to the last stage we had to do, we really thought we would be over the worst part but we were wrong.

No sooner did we start driving in the stage, we found the going very tough with the car really struggling for traction.

After less then 3kms we got stuck going up a steep hill, we manged to back down and give it another try but no luck again.

We had traffic starting to catch up to us, so we waved them all thru and tried again, but we again got stuck, but we weren’t the only ones, a few cars in front were in the same boat.

We helped get the two stuck cars in front of us out and then we got given a hand up the hill.

That was the end of our reccy as it was the last stage we had to do, so we left the rest of the crews to try and find their ways thru the stages. But we had found what we needed. So back to the Hotel via Noosa for Lunch and the best ice cream on the Coast.

Shakedown and Media day tomorrow followed by the Official start.

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