APPA Results

The Australian Professional Photographer Awards have been around for year. It is the pinnacle of Australian Photography awards.
This year for the first time I decided to enter the awards. Now the toughest part of entering is actually deciding which images to enter. You have the ability of to enter images that have been taken up to two years previously. Which was good as one of my images was right on the borderline of that date.
After a few weeks of trying to make a decision of which other images to enter I finally came up with my selection which are below

Eli Evans & Chris Murphy in action from Rally Qld 2008

Simon & Sue Evans Portrait shoot in Foster, NSW September 2007

Scott Pedder & Glen Weston – Rally of Canberra
Girl in Pool
Being at the awards when they are being judged is a very stressful experience as you never actually know when your image will come up in front of the panel, you just have to wait it out, which can take a few hours.

But when they do come up in front of the panel,  it is exciting and heart breaking as the judges pull your image to shreds or talk it up as a excellent image.

This year I was successful and lucky enough to come away with a silver medal, which gives me 1 point towards my associate membership. Which I now have two years to get, as I only need 4 more points.

The rest of my results are below, looking forward to next year, already have some ideas of what to enter.

Your 2009 APPA Awards Results





Silver Award




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