Aston Martin Vantage Shoot

I recently found a new photo location that I have been wanting to try.
So when the TMR guys rang recently to ask if I could do a night shoot of an Aston Martin they were testing, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try this new spot.
So we met just on dusk on location, down on the edge of the Yarra River near Southbank.

Aston Martin by the River

As light was fading fast, a issue you have when shooting outside of daylight savings time, I started off making the most of the available light and shooting a couple of HDR shots. The shot above was the best one by far.

Next I moved onto my mini studio set up, using my Nikon SB800’s and light stands
Aston Martin by the River lit by SB800's
Aston Martin by the River lit by SB800's

Aston Martin by the River lit by SB800's

I love it when a plan comes together as said by Hanibel from The A-Team TV series. It so true when something you have planned and imagined in your mind, turns out just as you want.
The images above show exactly how I envisaged they would turn out.
I used 4 Nikon SB800’s on light stands at different heights pointed at the car and then I balance their exposure with the city lights behind. As always the Nikon CLS system did not let me down in triggering the units.
The only real issue was the huge number of cyclists riding thru the area, I think quite a few of them got the shock of their life as the flashes went off. I did have to re shoot a couple of frames as I had light trails in the images but that was a easy fix.
A couple more HDR shots & flash shots from a different angle

Aston Martin by the River

Aston Martin by the River lit by SB800's

As we were starting to finish up these shots the weather started to turn bad, so we hurried and packed up the gear and headed for cover as the heaven’s opened
We moved to a undercover car park to finish the shoot, but I only had the detail and interior images to do, so being inside wasnt a issue.
The Vantage has some great dials and guages so these were fun to photograph as they gave off some great colours

Aston Martin Interior
Aston Martin Interior

Aston Martin Interior

I do like on the dash in the above picture, you can see where it shows up three little words every time you start the car, POWER, BEAUTY and SOUL. Only Aston Martin could think of something cool like that
Rest of the images from the shoot can be found in the gallery below, just click on it to be taken through to my website

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