Taking photos for the fun of it

It has been a while since I have posted a blog on here. The last few months have been fairly busy shooting and processing jobs.

Im finally finished working through all my current work, so the last couple of weekends I have gone back to my discovering my love for photography.

The first weekend I had a play with some off camera flash. The subject was the family dog who likes to play with the garden hose whilst plants are being watered.
The set up for these was Nikon D300, Nikon 17-55mm lens and a Nikon SB800 connected to the camera via a Nikon SC-28 cord.
Results are below, reasonably happy how they turned out, even though they were taken for fun

Then last night a fellow photographer friend of mine, Brandon who has just moved out from the states, came over with his fiance for a few beers and nice Aussie BBQ.

After a few beers, the creative jucies started to flow, so out came the camera’s.
Brandon had been wanting to try the new TTL Pocketwizards, so I arranged to borrow a set of them for him to have a play with whilst I looked after the BBQ.
After dinner I decided to play with a couple of different products.
The Honl Photo Colour Filter kit & the newest product from Joby, the creators of the Gorillapod, the GorillaTorch
First up were Honl Photo Colour Filter kit . I  decided to use three different Nikon SB800’s with different gels on them to light the pool. Two SB800’s had a blue gel on them and the 3rd one had a green gel on it.
All three units were placed at different positions around the pool
The other product I wanted to try was the new GorillaTorch. I was using three of them in the same set up and was still using the gels as well..With these instead of sitting them in one postion  I moved around the pool using the torch to paint with light.
The results below show the various images I ended up with.
The painting with the torch was a lot of fun and worked very well considering the units run off just 3 AA batteries. Even when not using them to paint with they work very well to light the work area so you can see what you are doing.

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