Baseball – First Try

It’s one of those games I have never shot, have always wanted to try but have never had the opportunity to. So when I got a call from Warren at SMP Images, asking me if I wanted to come along and shoot some of the action, I jumped at the opportunity. So off I headed to Altona Baseball stadium. First thing I noticed is without a 400mm lens, there really isn’t much you can do to get good tight action shots. I hadn’t bothered to bring one on the day, as I was only going for a look, so I tried for some artistic shots.

First position I tried out was from the side of field shooting back at the Pitcher and Batter – those shots weren’t bad!
Nikon D2x – 70-200mm F2.8 – 1/2000 f6.3 – 250iso
Nikon D2x – 70-200mm F2.8 – 1/2000 f6.3 – 400iso
I was also there to help the agency sort out some problems they had been having with their recently purchased Pocket Wizards. So I ran thru the best way to set them up.
Decided next to try an elevated position, I headed up to the top corner of the stand to try for something more creative. The Pitcher was casting a nice long shadow, so I got some shots from that.
Nikon D2x – 70-200mm F2.8 – 1/1600 f6.5 – 200iso
I called it a day after that, but would be keen to get back and shoot some more with a longer lens.

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