Scouting and WRX Group Shoot

After finishing the Lamborghini shoot, I had to do a quick reccy for a spot to then do a group car shoot a few hours later. I had used a few different spots down in the Docklands area, a fair bit. So it was time to look for a new spot.So I went on the hunt for somewhere new. I had a couple of spots in mind that I had seen before or had driven past. I spent about a hour driving around scouting for locations. I ended up settling for one just behind the Toyota office in Port Melbourne.A few hours later I was back there to do a group shot of 13 Subaru’s for the WRX Club of Victoria. The whole set up and shot was all done in about 40 minutes. Using a ladder helps to add some height to the shot.
Images from the shoot below and the rest are here
Nikon D2x – 12-24mm – 1/250 f8 – 100iso
Nikon D2x – 12-24mm – 1/250 f8 – 100iso

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