
Launch of new JSP Newsletter

Well yesterday I launched my brand new Joel Strickland Photographics (JSP) Newsletter. Something I had wanted to do for a quite a while, but it wasn’t till only recently when someone gave me a tip of new program to try called Mailchimp that I made time to set it up. It was very easy to set up …

Launch of new JSP Newsletter Read More »

Behind the Scenes of Hollywood’s Custom Car Lot

Ever wondered what happened to the car’s from Hollywood films after the camera stops rolling ? Well wonder no more The guys over at decided to find out. Cinema vehicles in Hollywood [googlemaps,+North+Hollywood,+CA+91605-4306&oe=utf-8&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=12580+Saticoy+St,+Los+Angeles,+California+91605&ei=nDbdTKfSEJS0vgOc5cnrDg&ved=0CBIQ8gEwAA&t=h&ll=34.206594,-118.407812&spn=0.003106,0.00456&z=17&output=embed&w=425&h=350] Full Article from is here  and makes for interesting reading Link to the Cinema Vehicles website is here

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