Night Photography

Singapore F1 Grand Prix & Sony A77 DSLR Review – Part 3

Now to complete the last part of my three part report from the Sony Singapore Test Trip Here is the rest of the images I shot from Turn 5, the spot allowed you to shoot the head on and three quarter images, like I showed you in part 2 and the one above. The spot …

Singapore F1 Grand Prix & Sony A77 DSLR Review – Part 3 Read More »

Singapore F1 Grand Prix & Sony A77 DSLR Review – Part 2

After Part 1 yesterday, today I present Part 2 of my Review & Report from my recent Singapore Trip. After we finished testing the camera’s at Sentosa Island, we headed back to the track to check out the famous Singapore Flyer Next subject up for camera testing on, was the famous 80’s Pop Star Rick …

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Singapore F1 Grand Prix & Sony A77 DSLR Review – Part 1

Singapore (also called the Lion City), officially the Republic of Singapore, is a Southeast Asian city-state off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, 137 kilometres (85 mi) north of the equator. An island country made up of 63 islands, it is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor to its north and from …

Singapore F1 Grand Prix & Sony A77 DSLR Review – Part 1 Read More »

Launch of new JSP Newsletter

Well yesterday I launched my brand new Joel Strickland Photographics (JSP) Newsletter. Something I had wanted to do for a quite a while, but it wasn’t till only recently when someone gave me a tip of new program to try called Mailchimp that I made time to set it up. It was very easy to set up …

Launch of new JSP Newsletter Read More »

50% sale on all Prints for the rest of February

One of the things I like about Photoshelter is the ability to be able to offer discount Coupons to customers to help increase business So I have decided to offer a 50% off coupon for the rest of the month of February. I am offering 50% off all sales through my website, all you have to do …

50% sale on all Prints for the rest of February Read More »

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