Entourage Movie Opens today in Australia

Entourage the movie opens around Australia today
When we last saw the team Hollywood A-listers they were heading off to see Vince get married and Ari had retired.
But now Ari is back in the movie business, so how did this come about?
Read more after the jump

Warner Brothers and Cadillac teamed up to create a short film explaining how Ari got back into the business after such a short retirement.
But the big star of the feature besides Ari and the beautiful Mrs Ari is again the Cadillac Ciel Concept, which we spoke about recently here 
Below you can see some screen grabs of the Ciel in the feature as well as the full feature starting all three stars.ooking forward to seeing the movie and the Ciel on the big screen.
I am very much looking forward to seeing the movie and the Ciel on the big screen.
Ari and Mrs Ari with the  Cadillac-Ciel-Concept
Ari Feature
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTey29S6zDk?rel=0]
Full Trailer
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGSE_XPF4_g?rel=0]

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