Ferrari California Shoot

I have been doing a fair amount of work recently for The Supercar Club with their drive days and track days
So just last week James called me and asked me to do a quick photo shoot of the new Ferrari California for him to use in their promotion of the new car to their members.
As their car is in Sydney for the next few months, we had to settle with shooting one at the local Ferrari dealer
So early one morning last week we met at the dealership to photograph the car, because we were on a tight time schedule, I shot the car on the showroom floor.

The light wasn’t too bad in the showroom, so for most of the images I just used natural light for the detail shots of badges etc.
2009 Ferrari California

2009 Ferrari California

2009 Ferrari California

2009 Ferrari California
But for the full car shots I pulled out my trusty Nikon SB800’s and my light stands and set up a mini studio. The best thing about using the Nikon SB800’s and the Nikon CLS system is that once you have the units in position you can control it all from the master unit on top of the camera. This made it very easy to get just the right amount of lighting in the right area’s for the shoot.
2009 Ferrari California

2009 Ferrari California
For full of Gallery of images just click on below

Ferrari California – Images by Joel Strickland

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