New car magazine GranTurismo looking to fund on Kickstarter

GranTurismo Magazine   The Best of European Motoring by Bryan Joslin — Kickstarter
Hi my name is Joel and I am addicted to car magazines.
There I said it, I admitted I have a problem.
I have been buying car magazines for 25+ years and it is my one vice in life.
I have seen many a magazine come and go, it is always sad to see one leave the newsagent shelves for the last time.
Well there is a new one about to start on the market.
Find our more after the jump

GranTurismo is magazine that is being started out of America by a group of dedicated car aficionados with a interest in European cars.
The thing is the team behind the magazine are using a crowd sourcing campaign to get the funding to start the magazine before it even goes on sale.
This is a great way to gauge interest in your magazine and get the support before you even launch it.
Crowd sourcing is becoming more and more popular these days to help get projects funding before launching, two of the most popular ones are Kickstarter & Indiegogo
I must admit that looking at projects on this start can be quite addictive.
I have already supported this new project and given my pledge, if you want to find out more check out the link to the campaign below.
The link to the Kickstarter campaign is here
You can like the magazine on Facebook or Follow them on Twitter too.

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