Nissan 370Z Photoshoot

This blog post goes back to June last year, finally trying to catch up on these, so keep a eye out for more old post’s to come through.
I was never a big fan of the old Nissan 350Z, but when I first saw the 370Z unveiled at the Melbourne Motor show in 2009, I liked what I saw.
The new clean and sharp lines are much more pleasing to the eye then the old 350Z.
So when I got the call to photograph the new 370Z, I was keen to see what the rest of the car was like.
The car we had for the day was a stunning pearl white called Shiro White, Shiro is the Japanese word for white.
First spot for the day was the side of an old warehouse down in the docklands area which I hadn’t used for a while.
For the first few shots I just used the natural light that was around

Nissan 370Z at first location

For the second series of shots, out came a couple of my trusty Nikon SB800’s using the Nikon CLS system
Image shot with Nikon SB800 Flash's

A couple days prior to this shoot, I had done some location scouting to find some new spots, as I am always looking for new backgrounds for my automotive images. This spot which I used below was perfect,ย  as it was at the end of an industrial estate and had a flat grey wall, which was perfect to shoot against.
As the light was fairly flat on this day it was also a good spot to also shoot interior and detail images of the car
HDR Blend of 5 Images

I used 5 frames of exposure to compile this image into a HDR image, it looks maybe a little over the top but I really like the effect it gives. I always shoot the same image as a straight forward exposure also, so the client has the choice of both images.
As you can see the grey wall was perfect to shoot the white car against

A slightly tweaked HDR, can really lift a image overall final look, I was very happy with the way this turned out as you get the menacing dark sky in the back ground.
HDR slightly tweaked

I think the reason why these HDR’s work so well, and do not seem to over the top, is there is not a lot of colour in the image to be over saturated. It seems to give a smoother result when working with plain colours like white and grey.
As always with most shoot’s I pull out my Nikon SB800’s and light the car up with them to give a different effect.
Lit with Nikon SB800's

So you can see from the same spot, with out even moving the car, you can get three different style of images with three different technics.

Hopefully soon I will have time to break down one of these shoots with more detail about exactly how I do each of these technics.
Interior of the 370Z

Another thing I really like with the new 370Z compared to the old 350Z is that the strut brace in the back hatch has been moved further forward to just behind the seats now. Which means that there is now more room in the boot and it is much easier for photographers to then shoot the interior shots like above.
Once we had finished at this spot it was time to head too a multistory car park which I use to shoot some camera rig and some dark HDR shots, similar to what I did with the Camaro as few weeks back.
The 370Z inside the multi story

The car in white looks great in the dark car park. I did a couple of shots and was very happy with the result
The 370Z inside car park

Even with headlights on it came up well

I did some rig shots and after spending some time setting up the rig, I was quite happy with the result

Rig shot

So all in all a fun shoot and I look forward to seeing it come up on line soon, link to the rest of the shots is below.
Rest of the 370Z Shoot Images

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