Rally of Canberra 2008 – Shakedown

Well here I am in cold Canberra. Arrived last night
Reccy was today. Started early today. Met Bob Seary from Team TRD this morning at 6:15am to head into the stages. We spent the morning checking the 3 stages west of Canberra’s CBD. After lunch we headed over to the 4 stages which are near the service park.
We found some nice spots, with some jumps, watersplashes and some great dust. So the Saturday and Sunday should result in some good shots
Media day and shakedown is tommorow morning. Again it will be a nice early start, leaving hotel at 7am.
After media day, Im helping out my boss the Operations manger for the ARC, with putting out signage for the event, for the the tv crews to use. I also helped him put togther the media backdrop sign tonight as the event sponsors ar different for each event and needed to be changed
Check back over the weekend as I update at the end of each day, hopefully

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