Senna – The Film – Coming to Australian Screen's in August

For my parents generation they say they always remember where they were when Man landed on the Moon and JFK was killed.
For my generation it is where were you when 9/11 occurred and where were you when Princess Diana died ?
For Motorsport fans across multiple generation it is the loss of a legend, one of our idol, that stops us in our tracks and its a day you never forget
I still remember that infamous day in May 1994, it is a day that will live in my memory forever…..
Monday the 3rd of May 1994, I rose as always preparing for a week of school, but that week was not going to turn out normal as I turned on the morning news to hear that a legend, one of my hero’s Ayrton Senna was dead. He had been killed in an accident during the San Marino Grand Prix during the night.
It was a sad week from there on in, with newspapers carrying the stories and the tragic headlines for weeks to come
Here is a couple I recently found in when going through some old files

A few years back an announcement was made that a film about Senna’s life was being created and it had the Senna family blessing.
The most interesting part of this was that the film was going to be created as an documentary not as a traditional film.

During the time when the news about the film hit the headlines, I came across this amazing story which is written about Senna’s last few days leading up to that tragic day at Imola, it is not a short read but if you have a good hour or so to sit down and really read through it is an amazing insight to his final days.
Senna is now only weeks away from hitting Australian screens and the latest trailer is doing the rounds.
The film has already been shown in the UK and it got rave reviews and it has been said that even non motorsport fans will enjoy it as its not about Motorsport but about the legend that was Senna
The trailer below is the longest one I have seen yet, and parts of it send’s shivers down my spine and brings tears to my eye’s such is the power and effect that was Senna….
One thing is certain I can not wait to see this film………

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