Subaru Stories for Neutral Car Show – Now Live

Subaru WRX Concept Car from New York Auto Show
In business you need to stay current and to always look for new avenues to expand your business in.
For me the decision to branch out into video was not really a hard one, as I was actually interested in Tv production before Photography but when I was still at school photography won out as the equipment at school was better than the TV equipment.
I first started working on Tv production, filming and producing stories with the team at Neutral Car Show last year. Our first project together was at the Subaru Australia Roadshow event, which I have spoken about on here as I also covered in photographically.
See more after the jump

At the same time we also filmed a story for Neutral, the trailer you could see on the my last blog post about the show, as well a producing and organising the interviews and access to the cars I also did a majority of the camera work.
Well due to some scheduling issues the story has been delayed in going to air but as of today the episode is now live. You can see the episode below.
The second episode to go live, I have a third which is in post production as we speak, was only filmed a few weeks ago.
This time I produced and filmed the whole episode in myself,  with my wonderful presenter Lisa Edwards doing the interviews, then the team at Neutral edited it.
Again another story about Subaru’s, this time it was the launch of the all new 2015 Subaru Impreza WRX, held at the Subaru Interactive Dealership at Docklands in Melbourne.
We were very lucky to be able to interview two Subaru Australian legends Cody Crocker & Dean Herridge
I did produce a trailer to lead into the story, it can be found below
The full story can be seen below
The next episode will be covering the Motorclassic Car Show, keep an eye our for it to air soon.

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