Targa Tasmania Day 1

First full day of Targa is here, we wanted to find a different place to last year, so we headed to one of the first stages of the day.

Found a nice spot right at the end of the stage, just before the flying finish.

Had the ability to shoot from inside the corner and from outside

Got some nice images

Dean Evans & Simone Bachman – Lotus Exige Cup 260

Tony Alford & Karl Farmer – Nissan GTR

Tony Quinn & Naomi Tillett in their Nissan GTR

For the afternoon run we headed across to the Moriaty stage, it was a rush to try and make the next stage in time for the top guys, but we just made it.
The corner was a nice tight right hairpin with hills and crowd around the outside,

Road Closed sign at spectator point at Moritaty

Crowd in paddocks watch cars go through the stage

After getting the nice crowd shots I headed back up the stage to try and find a different shot
Love the clean sky and paddock as a backdrop

Nice spot for a vertical shot too

That ends the action for day 1
Now for Day 2

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