WRX Club Strawberry Cruise

I am a member of a couple of car clubs in Victoria, from time to time they have social car cruises, today’s one was to a strawberry farm down the Peninsula.
As always I took my camera with me!
After picking a punnet full of strawberries for Sarah’s family as I’m not a fan on them, shock horror I know, how can I not like strawberries?
I pulled out the camera to take some pics. I decided to run just one lens and to use my Nikon SC-28 off camera shoe cord with my Nikon SB800 to run around and grab some nice portraits of some of my friend there.

See some pics below

Nikon D2x – 17-55mm – Nikon SB800 – 1/60 f4.8 – 200iso

Nikon D2x – 17-55mm – Nikon SB800 – 1/250 f9 – 200iso

Nikon D2x – 17-55mm – Nikon SB800 – 1/250 f8.5 – 200iso

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